Nantong Yanghong won the "Advanced Grassroots Party organization" of Changjiang Town in 2018
On the morning of July 3, the CPC Changjiang Town Committee of the Communist Party of China convened the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party and the July 1st Commendation Conference. At the meeting, the advanced grassroots party organizations, the learning grassroots party organizations, the top ten outstanding party organizations secretaries, and outstanding party workers were Commendation. The Nantong Yanghong Party Branch won the title of “Advanced Grassroots Party organization”.
Taicang City Court retired veteran cadres and guests visited Taicang Yanghong to visit and guide
On June 29th, in order to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Taicang City Court organized a retired veteran cadre to visit the Hi-Trinity Exhibition Hall and learned about the current situation of the party building work of the Taicang Yanghong Party Branch. The two sides exchanged views on party building activities. The old cadres of the Taicang City Court carefully listened to the introduction of the party building of Taicang Yanghong, expressed their appreciation for the high importance attached by the company to the party building work, and provided valuable suggestions and opinions on the problems encountered by Taicang Yanghong as a non-public enterprise in party building. .
Taicang Yanghong Party Branch won many advanced awards from Taicang Port Area
On June 29th, Taicang Port Area and Fuqiao Town held the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party and the Promotion of the Party Building Promotion Year. The Taicang Yanghong Party Branch was awarded the title of “Suzhou Non-Public Enterprise Pioneer Party organization”; Comrade Di Yongmeng was awarded the title of “Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee organization Department Jiangsu Frontier Defense Corps Co-Creating Excellent Communist Party Member”; Comrade Xu Yujie was awarded “Excellent Party Worker” Title: Comrade Xiao Yongming was awarded the title of “Outstanding Grassroots Communist Party Member”.
Hongchuan Party Committee and advanced individuals received many honors and commendations
On the evening of June 29, Songshan Lake celebrated the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and celebrated the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up. The literary evening and advanced commendation conference was held in the Moon Lake Plaza. The conference was attended by 15 advanced grassroots party organizations and 15 outstanding party workers. Twenty outstanding Communists were commended. At the meeting, the Hongchuan Party Committee won the title of “Advanced Grassroots Party organization”; Comrade Liu Yan was awarded the title of “Outstanding Party Member”; Comrade Huang Bing was awarded the title of “Excellent Party Worker”.
Taicang Yanghong Party Branch and Taicang City Border Inspection Station Duty Business Second Branch Party Joint Activities
To celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Party, on the afternoon of June 28th, the Taicang Border Inspection Station, one division, two divisions, and the squadron of the squadron of the squadron, Taicang Yanghong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. jointly launched a joint development to promote development and concentricity. The new chapter "Welcome the Seventh One Theme Party Day Event.
Taicang Yanghong Party Branch Secretary Lu Jianping won the honorary title of "Taicang Excellent Party Worker"
On June 28th, the Taicang City Party Committee organized the “Taicang City Commemoration of the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, which commended a group of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grassroots party organizations. Comrade Lu Jianping, deputy secretary of the Hongchuan Party Committee and secretary of the party branch of Taicang Yanghong, was awarded the title of “Excellent Party Worker” and won the award-winning share as the only non-public enterprise winner. Comrade Lu Jianping said that as a The 43-year-old party members are loyal to the party, set an example, practice their initial intentions, bear in mind the mission, and do their best to build grassroots party building.
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